Monday 14 August 2017


Another good day. Joshua and I went down to the Esplanade again this morning after breakfast (Joshua walked most of the way, pushing the wheelchair) and the other met us down there. We wandered along to Muddies playground for a bit and then wandered back to the hospital. I took the others home for lunch, and we moseyed around at home for a while (I managed to get the lawns mowed - which was my aim for the week!) and then headed back to the hospital where we had a nice dinner provided by more friends (along with the gingerbread family - see below). 

Joshua is much better, and other than low energy levels and a bit of limitation on mobility and strength, he is pretty much back to his old self. Unfortunately, he keeps making jokes that make him laugh, which is rather painful. Ruben caught onto this and started doing funny things to make Josh laugh - I don't think he quite got how much it probably hurts! 

We are very hopeful that they will parole him (sorry, discharge him) tomorrow so he can have a couple of days at home before we head down to Brizzie. Joshua keeps asking, "Why am I still here?"!

Just so you know how much Josh is slumming it, this is the bathroom of the room he has been in all week:

And this is the rest of the room (you can see my/Libby's bed in the corner):

This afternoon he obviously got knocked off the VIP spot, and was moved to a much smaller room. With a shabbier view...

And for the sake of posterity, here is our gingerbread family:

We keep finding it a little bit odd how the whole situation isn't seeming like that much of a big deal - this is Joshua's perspective, and it seems to be catching! I keep wondering whether we are in denial, or missing something! 

I was thinking about it while I was mowing, and I realised that someone who has cancer is actually quite different from someone who is dying from cancer. I suspect our feelings would probably be a bit different if the news had been worse. But I hope we would still have been hanging on to God. 


  1. Great to hear about Joshua's improvement! And I think that's great insight about 'having cancer'. I also really liked your thoughts on prayer from the previous post. I am most comfortable with that kind of prayer relationship with God. I'm challenged by Jesus' words about asking, continuing to ask and things like that. But the place of resting in God as our dad, and trusting him no matter what is the bedrock of prayer. And then recognising, as you have, that he's doing so much more beneath the surface in our lives than the circumstances we're praying about. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  2. just catching up... oh wow.. keep holding on xxxx
