Sunday 25 May 2014

Kanagaroo and stuff

There are small differences here to life in Europe. For example the spaghetti bolognese we had for dinner made of Kangaroo mince. Quite normal here, but to me it just seems wrong. I bought a kilo, used half, but can't quite bring myself to use the other half yet. Unfortunately it is cheaper than beef with much less fat and with a lot more other things that are good for you. We may just have to get used to it.

This week there was a python stuck in the rafters outside Joshua's classroom. He came home with the story and a photo and I assumed the school would get a 'snake man' in (or whatever they do with snakes here) to deal with it. However, apparently no one is that bothered and they have just left it there.

Another difference is that the post man always delivers the mail on a motorbike. He doesn't get off and just swings by each post box weaving his way (or her way) along the lawns. No one has a letter box.

It is illegal to park on the side of the road in the opposite direction to the traffic. (Just in case you come here, I wouldn't want you to get caught out).

Caleb has started playing AFL. (Australian Football league). I still haven't figured it out. Somewhere between football and rugby, that's all I know. He likes it though. The kids at school all play handball at break times. I've never seen that in the UK, but maybe I am out of touch.

I've mentioned it before, but shorts, t- shirts and thongs (flip flops) are acceptable as work wear pretty much anywhere.

The dustbin man is just a man with a lorry and mechanical arms that pick up the bins to dump the trash. Never seen those in the UK either, but again maybe I just haven't lived there in a while.

All hamburgers have slices of beetroot in them. Beetroot is big over here! 

Joshua reckons that 75% of the parents from his class work in the mines. 

Saturday 24 May 2014

Another hard day in Cairns!!

Today we decided to brave the jellyfish and the saltwater crocs and head to the beach for the day.
This is the type of crocodile that is found in the sea near us. The life guard said he had only seen two on that bit of beach in 8 years, so not a huge risk. Still you wouldn't want to meet one of these whilst having a relaxing swim.

Mean Saltwater Crocodile
  1. Australian saltwater crocodiles are the largest reptile in the world in terms of mass (can be over 1000kg), the males can reach a length of up to 6 or 7 metres.
  2. The other main risk is the box jellyfish, but the risk of those today was also apparently low. However if you met one, it could kill you!!

All that aside it was a beautiful beach and we had a nice day.

Saturday 10 May 2014

Cross country

It seems you can't escape cross country wherever you are in the world. Actually Caleb loves it. We went to watch him run on Wednesday.


I mentioned a few posts ago that we saw a Kookaburra in the garden. Here are the photos.


Forgot to post this at the time. We went bowling in the holidays. Ruben came, but it was  really for the older kids. I had no idea you could even get bowling shoes that small and that an almost 2 year old could actually bowl. He didn't even come last  and he must be the only person in the world who cried when he had to take off his bowling shoes!!

 No I'm not really good at bowling, I had the barrier up because I'm so rubbish!!

Currently - for Wendy

Currently reading

'A Rose for the ANZACs'.

As an aside,  ANZAC stands for Australia and New Zealand Army corps. The soldiers in these forces are called ANZACs. ANZAC day on 25th April is one of Australia's most important national occasions. It is a National holiday and there are a lot of parade's and ceremonies commemorating those lost at war.  I have to say, in my opinion, they respect their war dead a lot better over here than in the UK.

Reading  is easy here, lots of libraries and lots of books. The only challenge is browsing with Ruben who spends most of the time racing up and down the library with a trolley. I usually just grab 6 of the fattest books I can find and hope that at least a few of them are worth reading.

Currently watching

6th season of the West Wing. After watching a bit of TV when we first arrived, I decided I can't really be bothered with it.  I would rather watch a series of my choice when I want to.

Currently listening to:

I can get UCB radio here at home and in the car and I love it. So many interesting programmes on different things. I especially like the news updates from a Christian perspective and things about Australia's rich Christian heritage.  Australia is surprisingly more openly Christian than the UK. There are lots of Christian schools and chaplains in many schools, whether they are Christian or not.

Currently praying about:

I know we have just moved here and are always moving, but this is what I am challenged to pray about. God gave us time, talent and treasure, how are we using them?? 'Only one life, 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.'  (UCB May 9th 2014) What should I/we be doing here or somewhere else. How should we be using our time, our talents and our treasure???

Currently enjoying:

The weather is now beautiful, sunny with blue skies almost every day and slightly cooler at night.

The landscape. It's nice to live somewhere so beautiful set amongst tropical hills.

Currently not enjoying:

If I'm honest, I am a little bit bored living in suburbia in the first world. Where are all the riots??? Not much happens here. It's a little bit far away from the action here.!!