Tuesday 5 December 2017

Finding God in the Waves

There seem to be a lot of spiritual analogies we can learn from water. This week I have been thinking about a few verses in Job. Job 38:8-11 says, "Who kept the sea inside its boundaries...For I locked it behind barred gates, limiting its shores. I said, 'This far and no farther will you come. Here you proud waves must stop'." 

Waves can be gentle, but they can also be violent, powerful and thundering. When you look at them they appear unstable and out of control. Yet every time a wave crashes it returns to where it came from. (OK, so I'm not talking about tsunamis). No matter how big a wave, there are limits on where it can go. Somehow when it seems out of control, there is total control.

So often when difficult things happen in our lives, it feels like things are out of control and that God has lost control. However, even in the craziest of times in our lives, like the waves,  God has total control. I have been amazed that although Joshua has had cancer, at the same time he has been his usual healthy self. The cancer aside, he hasn't really been sick. It feels like God has said over his body, 'this far and no farther will you come'. The cancer was something totally out of our control, but at the same time the way Joshua coped with treatment showed me that God was totally in control. Like the waves, God puts parameters in our lives. He allows certain things and we may feel buffeted and frightened at times, but it all happens within God's complete control.