Saturday 20 May 2017

Cairns near Cairns

On a random spot at the side of the road between Cairns and Pity Douglas, people have erected lots of little piles of rocks.

We stopped and added our contribution...

Saturday 13 May 2017

Lunch with the lorikeets

We went up to the tropical bird (and animal) place with Libby's mum. We had lunch with the lorikeets (amongst other birds) and had fun with other animals.

Friday 12 May 2017

So much to blog...

OK, so I didn't blog as much as I intended...The problem is we've been doing so much stuff, we haven't had the chance to record it for posterity. Libby's mum was here for a month, so we were out and about quite a bit, and we went away over Easter, then were at the MAF camp a couple of weeks ago.

We are now trying to catch our breath...

Will try to catch up with blogs shortly...