Wednesday 25 June 2014

This weeks headlines

This weeks headlines:

The Wisdom of Teeth
Having been told by dentists in 3 different continents to have my wisdom teeth out, I finally got round to doing it on Friday. The ice pack quickly became my new best friend, along with soup, jelly and ice cream. All I can say is that I am glad I chose to have it done in Australia and not in Tanzania!

In other news we had a great rainbow this week. I took loads of photos, but have not managed to capture the colours, still you get the idea.

Cane & Trains
The sugar cane is being harvested and with it, to the delight of all the boys in the house, the running of the cane train, including the one behind our house. Bethany is not as impressed. The train runs a few times each day and whenever it passes we all have to run to the end of the garden (it's not that far!), climb the fence and see if the driver will wave. It's a bit like being in the 'Railway Children', albeit on a much smaller scale. I have to run too because although I am not that bothered about the train (hard to imagine, I'm sure) Ruben is thrilled by this new development, but needs help climbing the fence. In his words, "Man, train, wave, all gone". of course he says it much more dramatically that I can on paper.

Roo Turns Two
Finally and much more importantly, Ruben turned 2. He is increasingly hard to keep up with and I spend much of the day chasing him round the garden and other people's gardens to get him in the car and watching out for any diggers, lawn mowers and trucks in Cairns. Fortunately there are a lot of them, so we are rarely disappointed. He also loves watching youtube clips of any of the above. Who would have thought that a 10 minute clip of a man mowing his lawn, in real time, with no music or commentary could be so fascinating for a 2 year-old. What is pure joy for Ruben, I have threatened the others with as a punishment.

Of course he had to have a lawn mower cake!

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