Tuesday 2 June 2015

Tank museum

Daniel went away with Bethany this weekend, so we had a 'boys' weekend. I took the boys to the Cairns tank museum. I'm glad I didn't take Bethany, there was absolutely nothing there she would have liked, not even a cafe! To be honest, for me too, it was very boring, but the boys loved it. Caleb gave it 10/10 in his ratings. Their favourite thing was playing with the toy tanks and soldiers and dressing up. Ruben was so excited he wet himself whilst wearing his battle gear. Fortunately the concrete floor was quite forgiving to the odd puddle.The lady at the front desk said it was OK for them to get into one of the tanks. Unfortunately Ruben managed to start it and nearly drove it down a ramp!!  Clearly this was not supposed to happen but did make the experience more exciting! I left a suggestion that they get a fake tank for children to climb in and out of and not a real one that could be started by a 2 year old!!

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