Wednesday 7 March 2018


Sorry we haven't posted for a while, but no news is good news! Joshua is still going well. He had a trip to Brisbane last month for a check up. They were happy enough with him that they've said we don't have to go back to Brisbane at all and can get all future checks done in Cairns. We were at the hospital on Monday for his March check ups. To be honest it feels a little bit like running a gauntlet every month - will he be OK, will he not? Overall though we feel pretty peaceful that God's got this. You can see the hair is back!

In other news, Caleb had his 13th birthday last month. He had a fast-paced birthday party on the Esplanade which meant we have no photos. Sometimes you are too busy living life to document it! I think that's a good thing, although it can also be nice to have some photos.

On Sunday Caleb was baptised at church in the pouring rain by Geoff, the pastor and Daniel. He'd been planning it for a while but in the event it was a spontaneous response to the message preached on Sunday. Geoff had the pool ready and piles of towels for those who wanted to be baptised. Remember it's summer here, so it's no problem to go home in your wet clothes!


  1. Ah that's wonderful! Baptism, birthday and new hair for Josh! Happy mother's day xxx

  2. Great news and lovely that Daniel was in the tank too! Intrigued about the race party....S&R
