Saturday 26 September 2015

Cape Tribulation

It's the two week spring break from school in Australia right now. We spent the last week with friends at Cape Tribulation, named by Captain Cook because that's where all his troubles began. In many ways it is still as untouched as when he was there. A beautiful mix of the Daintree rainforest and the ocean. Untouched probably because the sea is full of box jelly fish and the creeks full of salt water crocs. Well maybe not full, but you have to watch out. We spent the week swimming in the pool, swimming in the creek, (we did scan the area for crocs and prayed hard) and swimming in the sea. The kids also enjoyed early morning walks on the beach by themselves, getting coconuts down from the trees on the beach and spotting things in the coral reef, including an octopus, lots of crabs and and sea cucumbers. Poor old Josh had an ingrowing toe nail removed the Friday before and was banned by the doctor from swimming. We relented on the last day and he had a great time riding the waves on a huge inner tube. Bethany also had to have a day off from swimming as she cut her knee on coral. Ruben loved it and was a bit sad we couldn't stay in our camping house!!

Trying to keep Joshua's foot dry whilst crossing the river.

(Daniel hasn't actually put on weight, it's just the wind!! He just wanted to make sure that was clear!!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi to all, glad you had a good break. Like the final disclaimer! Praying for you. S&R
