Tuesday 10 March 2015

Bits and Bobs

Two more cyclones headed for Australia this week. One on the west coast and the other headed for Queensland. It's hard to predict what they will do, but we may be in for some windy weather.

Map of Australian region showing the location of any current active tropical cyclones

Things have settled down a bit now and the children are all well again and back at school. Ruben is a bit sad that he can't go too and asks, "me go school?" everyday when we drop off the older ones. Alas for him he has a while to wait. Still that doesn't stop him from doing 'homework', ("me doin homework"), even though he has no idea what it actually means. He just knows that it is something that everybody else in the house is doing when they can't play with him.

Everybody has chores to do in our house. Sometimes this works really well and other times it totally falls apart. Ruben and Caleb were supposed to be hoovering this week, which they did, sort of! They spent a long time on it,  so it was a while before I noticed that the floor hadn't got any cleaner. What they did do was take the hoover apart and then hoover their hair to give each other mohicans!! Sigh! You want to be cross, but it was quite funny. I've never thought about doing that with the hoover before!!

I learnt a new word this week, 'manchester.' Of course I have heard of Manchester before but didn't know what manchester for sale meant or 'sells beds and manchester.' It means linen, from the time when linen did come from Manchester. duh!

Since Christmas we haven't done much in the way of trips due to sickness and weather. However this Sunday afternoon we met up with friends at Davies Creek to swim. Hours of fun for children and adults in a swimming hole in one of the national parks. It's free to get it and there is hardly anybody there, so it's a really nice place to swim and picnic. The road there looks a lot like places we went in Tanzania, including a big coffee plantation you go past! For those of you who are interested I've included a couple of pictures of the same 4 boys quite a few years ago in Tanzania. Still great friends and still having fun!!!

A few pictures.

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