Tuesday 24 March 2015

Post Cyclone

Well, the cyclone made landfall further north of us in a fairly unpopulated area. However it has continued its rampage across Australia north-westwards and hit Arnhem land. That's the second cyclone to hit Arnhem land in a matter of weeks. We have only a month to go before cyclone season ends, so that might be it for now, at least until November!!

I was back at the doctors this week with Caleb and Ruben. All was going well until Thursday when I picked Caleb up from school and found he could hardly breathe. Took him straight to the doctors and left armed with antibiotics and inhalers and then Friday Ruben went down with the same thing. The doctors weren't sure what it was, probably a virus, probably not asthma. Ruben saw a different doctor and ended up with steroids and inhalers. A few days and lots of puffs later, they seem fine again. I am getting to know the doctors and the pharmacists here quite well. The healthcare service here in Australia is quite complicated but it seems to work quite well. You can register with any doctor you like or more than one. Healthcare is free for all  children under 16, but adults have to pay. Well sometimes you pay and sometimes you don't, I haven't really worked it out. Anyway what counts is that it is easy to see a doctor. Good job really as Joshua has just come in to show me he has been bitten by the neighbours dog!!-sigh!

Here are a few photos take in the last week. Two pictures of our gardener (he needs to work on the weeding) and one of Bethany in the front garden.  The spider and frog were at the park and the rainbow at school.

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