Tuesday 31 March 2015


Not sure if I've put many pictures of Cairns on the blog before. It's a very hilly place, and from almost any point you can see hills.

'Downtown' Cairns is by the sea. (The Coral sea)

The airport is also parallel to the sea.

Many of the suburbs are separated by hills. The above picture shows the drive to school, roughly from the top right of the picture to the middle right. 

This photo shows our suburb. Our house is just behind the bush on the left.

1 comment:

  1. ahh, I like hilly scenery! (after many visits to N. Ireland); glad recoveries after illnesses are going on... read some news about nhs http://www.cmfblog.org.uk/2015/04/01/changes-to-nhs-charges-for-missionaries/; not sure if you still have aplace in uk or any way of preventing charges...maybe when govt changes this will too...blessings to all xxx
