Sunday 24 September 2017


Joshua had a great surprise today. One of his school friends flew down to Brisbane just to visit him. We had managed to keep it a secret, so when his friend and mum arrived, Joshua was pretty surprised and excited. We were both really moved that they would take the time, effort and cost just to come and see us for the day. On top of that Joshua got letters from his other classmates, chocolates, photos and a new x-box game that he had been wanting.

Just to put it in perspective for those of you who don’t know Australia, it’s a 2 hour flight time here, plus all the usual airport waiting and a bus and taxi to get to the house. Pretty impressive. Two hours of non stop chat later and our guests had to leave to repeat the return journey.

(It's a 20 hour drive, 1685 km, 1047 miles, 2 hour, 10 minute flight time. Roughly the same flight time as flying from London to Barcelona).

I have been so impressed with Joshua’s school friends and their efforts to keep in touch and support him. It’s nice for him, and me. Even though Joshua is very stoic about this whole situation, I know he really misses his friends and home and can’t wait to go back. This visit really cheered him up.

One of his friends wrote in a card, “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny”. C.S. Lewis 

(No pressure Joshua)

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