Monday 11 September 2017

Sweet(ish) Sixteen

Happy Birthday, Joshua! 

Probably not the kind of birthday that any of us would have predicted a few months ago, but still pretty good as birthdays go. Joshua managed to get in pretty early for his lumbar puncture (around 10.00am), which means he didn't have to starve quite as long as last time. However, he was a bit more groggy afterwards and not so hungry - so he still has half his ham and cheese sub left in the fridge!  

The nurse kindly took a photo of us before Joshua went into theatre. There is still a vague chance that Joshua has something cold-like, so he is still on 'droplet protection'. This means he gets to wear fancy headgear when he goes out and about in the hospital. 

I am just in my normal clothes 👦

Joshua opened one present before going down for his surgery, and then was very disciplined and saved all the rest of them for when the others had finished school.

Here is the full bunch of bananas...

Below is the present that Joshua has wanted for the longest. Because we left Cairns in such a hurry he thought we hadn't been able to buy it, but fortunately I had managed to pick it up on the Saturday before we left (last one in the shop - the one on display). So it was even more enjoyable to bring it out as the, 'Oh look, there's one more' present 👦

Joshua's preferred solution to the hair loss issue

'Everybody noticed it, but no one wanted to mention the Trump in the corner'


  1. love you all, happy b'day again again Joshua xxx (old s.oxhey friends you probably barely remember but I bumped into you all at SOBC one day)

  2. dunno if this fits particularly, but just to say you're not forgotten, and keep going xxx


  4. Happy Birthday for yesterday Joshua!The boys absolutely love your Donald look!

  5. The Far side or the elephant in the room? Xxxx
